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Order Shipping Number

API Reference



This endpoint allows adding a shipment number for an order. It updates the order with shipping details provided by the supplier, including optional shipping provider, label URL, or an attached label file.

You need to send the unimallOrderNumber in the request url to add shipping number.

You must add supplierShippingNumber to the request body. You can also provide supplierShippingProvider, supplierLabelUrl and supplierLabelFile which is available in the request body.

If you already have label for the order, send the supplierLabelFile field as label file which is available in the request body.

The request body must be in the form of multipart/form-data and should include the following fields.

Request Parameters

Field NameTypeIs RequiredValidation RulesDescriptionSample Input
supplierShippingNumberStringYes-Supplier shipping number for order.SHNM123123
supplierShippingProviderStringNo-Supplier shipping provider for order.Sample Provider
supplierLabelUrlStringNo-Supplier label url for order.https://firstlabelurl.pdf
supplierLabelFileFileNo-Supplier label file for order.File

Sample Curl Request

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: text/plain' \
-H 'X-API-Key: *****' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'SupplierShippingNumber=SHNM123123' \
-F 'SupplierShippingProvider=Sample Provider' \
-F 'SupplierLabelUrl=' \
-F 'SupplierLabelFile=@label.pdf;type=application/pdf'

Sample Response

HTTP 200

"orderDate": "2024-08-14T10:27:35Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-09-11T05:20:14.528Z",
"status": "Shipped",
"unimallOrderNumber": "UNI08140010",
"timeForPackaging": "2024-08-16T10:27:35Z",
"supplierShippingProvider": "Sample Provider",
"supplierShippingNumber": "SHNM123123",
"supplierLabelUrl": "https://firstlabelurl.pdf",
"orderItems": [
"parentSku": "US000001",
"sku": "US000001-0001",
"quantity": 1,
"salePrice": 444,
"warehouses": [
"warehouseName": "Default",
"quantity": 2